Book 01 Chapter 07.06.1 - Red Epiphyllum
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 07.06.1 - Red Epiphyllum

Pushing open the door, Xing Mo spotted the tied up man right away, and figurative black lines appeared on her forehead.

Hey... you shouldn't kidnap people! This is a church! Won't someone notice it?!

"He contacted us himself, saying he's willing to accept any treatment." The small nun commented.

He contacted us himself? No wonder they found a clue so quickly. I thought it would take some time...

As she thought to herself, Xing Mo sat down opposite the man and calmly looked at him. She suddenly felt that the man was oddly familiar...

Wait a minute? Isn't this guy...

The man across from her was taken aback when he saw Xing Mo's face, then said, "You're Miss Xing Yu's sister?"

"You're that Mr. who purchased the female Knight figurine at an exorbitant... cough?" Xing Mo slammed on the brakes right away.

She recognized the man—he is that Game of Gold's champion we met at the Sunflower Hot Springs!

"Yes, I didn't expect to meet you here..." The man lowered his head and murmured, "My name is Tolle. I didn't expect you to be a member of the Church. No wonder the hot springs were closed down after you came..."

Wait a minute, is there some kind of misunderstanding... do you think the people of the Church would tie people up willy-nilly? Xingmo curled her lips.

But on second thought, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with his way of thinking—this is Saint Auroth Cathedral! Isn't it the territory of the Goddess's Church?

And I was originally a Saintess of the Goddess... no, I should say a Saint! Isn't that right?

When her thoughts reached this point, Xing Mo promptly adopted an authoritative demeanor, elegantly crossing her legs: "Now, Mr. Tolle, what information do you want to provide regarding the Humpback Whale?"

"First, untie me. I swear I'm not carrying any weapons." Tolle said.

Xing Mo took out her wand and waved it lightly, and the ropes tying Tolle became undone.

He seemingly breathed a sigh of relief, and then lowered his head and murmured: "If it weren't for Prince Austin killing her, I would ne

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