Book 01 Chapter 07.05.2 - Red Epiphyllum
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 07.05.2 - Red Epiphyllum

The Southern District, Rat Street.

In a small house made of yellow bricks, a man lit candles on the table, illuminating the metallic objects on it.

They were silver scimitars with strange patterns on the blade, clearly from a foreign land.

"The prince has given the signal to assemble."

When the man finished speaking, figures in yellow robes emerged from the darkness.

They each took a scimitar and strapped it to their waists, their eyes under the hood reflecting candlelight, as if soulless devils.

"The primeval Yi will watch over us." A hoarse voice sounded in the darkness.

At that moment, the door opened silently, and a streak of icy blue lit up in the darkness.

The men looked toward the door, only to see a slender girl casually close it and turn around.

"Hey, having a party without me?"

Vivian smiled and waved her left hand. As for her right hand, encased in silver armor, it held a silver sword.

The silver sword sent cold wind tumbling through the room, extinguishing the candles on the table.

The moment the room plunged into darkness, the sound of weapons clashing erupted, accompanied by low growls and screams.

Five minutes later, an ice blue sword ray tore through the roof, and pale blue moonlight poured into the dark room, illuminating Vivian's figure like a spotlight on stage.

She stood in the center of the room, holding a yellow-robed man by the collar, unconscious bodies lying at her feet.

"Cough... let go of me... damn Dragon..."

The man struggled with all his might, but Vivian's slender arm seemed to possess immense strength, making it impossible for him to break free.

He stared into that pair of eyes burning with frostfire. Under the light of the pale blue moon, those eyes seemed to turn into vertical slits, exuding a majestic presence that demanded submission.

"Tell me, what are you after? Who is pulling your strings?" Vivian asked in a low voice.

"It's Prince Austin! He wants us to gather our forces and be ready for cleanup at any time!" The yellow-robed man started yelling.

When he w

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