Book 01 Chapter 07.05.1 - Red Epiphyllum
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 07.05.1 - Red Epiphyllum

The Auntie was taken aback, then smiled and said: "Oh my, such a big girl, yet still so bashful. It's just underwear. Go ahead and take a look at the designs. There's a fitting room over there, where you can try them on."

"Th... thank you, Auntie..." Xing Mo lowered her head.

Even though I've been a girl for such a long time, but I still feel really embarrassed...

All in all... apart from the clothing, my figure makes... makes... me blush as well...

Xing Mo shook her head quickly, banishing all the unpleasant thoughts from her mind.

She hurried to the back of the tailor shop, grabbed a few items at random, and went into the fitting room.

Ten minutes later, Xing Mo walked out neatly dressed, a slight flush on her face.

She paid for the items, then turned and saw Aurora beaming with delight.

"... if you keep smiling, I won't prepare food for you tomorrow." Xing Mo uttered.

Aurora stopped smiling at once.

Quite straightforward...

Xing Mo shrugged, then said her goodbyes to the aunty and prepared to leave the tailor shop.

But at this moment, her eyes fell on a black formal attire—formal attires were hung in the corner of the tailor shop, obviously prepared for some important occasions.

"Those are more suitable for gentlemen than ladies." The aunty said with a smile: "But in the Northern District, there are fewer and fewer real gentlemen..."

Formal attire... gentleman... Something seemed to click in Xing Mo's mind.

According to Blackwood's information, when Bishop Freyr Sunlight fled Saint Auroth Cathedral... didn't he buy a formal attire?

Based on the speculation at the time, he bought the attire to attend a certain event...

After finding Steam Man's kill list under the Sunflower Hot Springs, we guessed that Bishop Freyr was already dead, thereby overlooking an important thing—

—which is, where exactly was this event that required formal attire?!

It was clearly not at the hot springs!

After Bishop Freyr sought help from Blackwood and failed, he wasted no time and headed straight for that event, sugg

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