Book 01 Chapter 07.04.2 - Red Epiphyllum
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 07.04.2 - Red Epiphyllum

Alice took a deep breath, then asked: "How did the situation come to a close?"

"Lucius claimed it was the doing of his experiment." Professor Ling waved her hand, "That guy has been working on a project related to life, remember? Last time he showed us that three-headed tadpole, saying it would be able to catch three mosquitoes at the same time after turning into a frog..."

"Stop! Stop!" Alice felt a chill go down her spine, "I don't want to picture that..."

"Ha-ha-ha..." Professor Ling chuckled, "In short, he loves experimenting with his little spells on all sort of things. But so far he's only managed to distort existing life forms, at most making a cup grow a pair of legs and tumble about."

"So, when he said he did a little experiment on the String Harp, I didn't doubt it. After all, he's been talking for a while now about making the String Harp fully automated: receiving examinees by itself, evaluating results by itself, forming teams by itself..."

This is getting more and more bizarre... The corners of Alice's mouth twitched.

She suppressed her urge to rant, quickly collecting herself: Instructor Lucius intervened to help Junior Xing Sheng and her sister?

At the factory, he also appeared together with the pair of sisters...

Instructor Lucius once wrote to me, claiming there's a mole among the senior figures... telling me to keep it to myself...

Now it looks like the mole might be Prince Austin. But how did Instructor Lucius learn about it?

He never participated in the investigation of these cases, yet he still suggested to us that there is a mole among the senior figures?

The only possibility is that this information didn't come from Instructor Lucius, but was passed through him.

Then, Junior Xing Sheng... Junior Xing Yu...

Alice kneaded her forehead. She exchanged a few more pleasantries with Professor Ling, and then left.


Due to her poor condition, Xing Mo skipped lunch and instead fell into a deep sleep.

Around five o'clock in the afternoon, she was awakened by the growling of her sto

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