Book 01 Chapter 07.04.1 - Red Epiphyllum
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 07.04.1 - Red Epiphyllum

"Here comes the brown sugar ginger tea~"

Aurora returned to the bedroom with a cup of hot liquid and placed it on the bedside table.

Then, she put her hands behind her back and winked at Xing Mo: "Try it. This is my first time making it, and it's just for you~"

"..." Xing Mo, feeling speechless, picked up the steaming ginger tea and blew on it, raising ripples on the surface of the crimson liquid.

She lowered her head and took a small sip.

It was slightly hot, mildly sweet, with a hint of ginger's spiciness.

After confirming that it was safe to drink, Xing Mo took another sip. Some color returned to her pale face right away.

"It tastes good." Xing Mo commented.

"He-he~" Aurora seemed particularly happy, "It looks like I did learn something after all."

"What did you learn?" Xing Mo looked up.

"Cooking, preparing food, your most amazing skill." Aurora was very excited.

"... it's just making ginger tea, it's not that big of a deal." Xing Mo said a little helplessly, "If you really want to learn how to cook and prepare food, I can teach you later."

"There's still more to learn? That sounds troublesome." Aurora muttered.

Xing Mo ignored the other party. By the time she finished drinking the ginger tea, she felt that the slight stabbing pain in her abdomen had subsided considerably.

She was just about to close her eyes and rest when she felt something crawling onto the bed and pressing down on her—

"Ouch!" Xing Mo opened her eyes and found Aurora's face close to hers, her heart-shaped pupils throbbing.

"Hey! No fooling around when I'm on my period!" Xing Mo shouted.

"I just want to drain some of your knowledge and go make lunch." Aurora said coyly, "Can't I?"

Xing Mo took a deep breath and refused firmly: "You can't! Every time I'm drained by you, I can't even get out of bed! You don't know how it feels since you've never been drained yourself!"

"Is it really that bad?" Aurora poked Xing Mo's chin with a finger, "But every time, you make lots of sounds of pleasure..."

"Cough, cough! "Those are sounds

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