Chapter 3899: Tian Changji Perishes (One)
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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 3899: Tian Changji Perishes (One) (Teaser)

Lan Caidie’s expression changed slightly. Her voice also became serious. “Tian Changji, don’t tell me you’ve also come for the resources on Yang Yutian? You’re a great elder of one of the twelve courts of heaven, the Immortal Feather sect. If you go after a junior over this petty amount of resources, I’m afraid it’ll only damage the reputation of your Immortal Feather sect if it makes it out.”

When he heard that, Tian Changji sneered. He stared at Lan Caidie and said, “There’s just the three of us here. Even if I actually do that, how will it make it out? After all, there’s no one else here.”

“Don’t tell me you will proactively spread this news and turn our Immortal Feather sect into a laughing stock who robs a junior of his resources?”

“Does your Ghost Immortal cult have that courage?”

Towards the end, Tian Changji’s tone suddenly sharpened. He used his strength as a Ninth Heavenly Layer Immortal Emperor to threaten a Second Heavenly Layer Immortal Exalt fearlessly.

Lan Caidie’s face was sunken. “Tian Changji, it’s true that neither