Book 01 Chapter 07.06.2 - Red Epiphyllum
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The Defeated Saintess Is On A Journey To Tame The Evil God Book 01 Chapter 07.06.2 - Red Epiphyllum

After alighting the carriage at the White Tower District, a cool but not cold night breeze blew past, causing Xing Mo to squint her eyes in comfort.

As the central district of the Citadel, the streets of the White Tower District were clean and tidy, mostly frequented by well-dressed gentlemen and ladies. Neatly arranged goods were displayed in the windows of the shops along the commercial street. Warm yellow light overflowing from the display windows bathed the street in a golden glow, reminiscent of an oil painting.

In the distance, the White Tower stood under the stars, its surface faintly reflecting pale blue moonlight.

It was always so bustling and thriving under the White Tower.

Xing Mo walked along the streets and soon found the location of the food festival.

When she reached the location of the food festival, the aroma of different kinds of food wafted over, making Xing Mo's stomach restless—after all, she had only eaten two meals today.

She decided to look for Aurora first, suppressing her desire to eat.

Xing Mo followed the lively flow of people and quickly found the venue for the eating contest.

It wasn't hard to find, after all, a large crowd had gathered around it.

Wait... a large crowd had gathered?

Oh no...

Xing Mo hurried over and saw a stage set up on the spacious street, with a long table set up on it.

Plates of food, lifted by gusts of wind, flew back and forth above the table, and then landed in front of the contestants.

"Next, we enter the final stage! Who will be tonight's champion?! Will it be Ms. Xing Yu or our Mr. Argus?"

Xing Mo looked at the long table and saw Aurora devouring food at an astonishing speed, sweeping everything on the plate into her mouth with a nonchalant expression.

Meanwhile, the man called "Argus" was no less impressive. With his height of more than two meters, he towered over Aurora, and his eating speed was equally swift.

"Lady Saintess, did you also come to watch the contest?"

Upon hearing the voice, Xing Mo turned around and found a group of small nu

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