Chapter 1021 - Five Absolutes
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The Holy Race's ten royal powers?

Shi Feng was shocked by the sight of the ten legions approaching the Twilight Fortress.

A gathering of the Holy Race's ten royal powers!

Never in his previous life had such an event occurred. Until the end of the war between the human race and the Holy Race, only six of the Holy Race's royal powers had participated. The remaining four royal powers never appeared, as if they didn't exist.

But now, all ten of the Holy Race's royal powers had shown up.

The Thunder Empire, Evil Nature, Sovereign Mark, the Sun Dynasty, the Undying Court, Skygazer, Netherlord, the Crimson Dynasty, Celestial Melody, and Holy Shield.

Each of these ten royal powers had mobilized a legion of over a million players—for a total of over ten million Holy Race players. These players were not ordinary experts but Level 240-plus elite experts. Moreover, over 10% of these players were fully equipped with Fragmented Divine Artifacts, and 5% had at least one Divine Artifact.

"Over a million elite experts and tens of thousands of fifth-floor experts equipped with at least one Divine Artifact… Is this the true strength of a royal power?"

"Crap! The commanders and vice commanders of these legions are simply monsters! All of them are equipped with Divine Sets! Does the Holy Race's Greater God's Domain have a higher drop rate for Divine Sets?!"

"A total of 106 Divine Set users and 745 experts fully equipped with Divine Artifacts! Did these royal powers mobilize everything in their treasuries?"

The hearts of the players in the Twilight Fortress skipped a beat as they stared at the approaching Holy Race army. They couldn't fathom how they were supposed to defend the Twilight Fortress against such an army.

The human race's various powers had assembled over three million Level 240-plus experts in the Twilight Fortress to deal with the Holy Race's and the Crystallian race's impending siege. The various pseudo-apex and apex powers had even mobilized most of their elite experts. Nonetheless, they had assembled only a l

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