Chapter 1022 - Anomalies
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"Is she really that Elise?" Fervent Samsara muttered, gawking at Elise.

Fervent Samsara had participated in the Continental Championship with Elise, so he knew her quite well. Although she ranked high among the three races' chosen ones in the championship, the difference between her past self and her current self was like night and day. It wouldn't even be an exaggeration to say they were completely different people.

Setting aside the fact that Elise's level had reached a staggering 251, just the aura she exuded when hovering in the air made Fervent Samsara feel like he was gazing up at a mighty mountain.

Besides those familiar with Elise, the other sixth-floor experts in the Twilight Fortress were also amazed and shocked by Elise's overwhelming aura.

"No wonder she could get selected by that side. She's simply a monster," Verdant Rainbow said, smiling wryly at the intense pressure she felt from her former rival.

Although Demon's Gate and the Seven Luminaries Alliance were not mortal enemies, they often butted heads with each other. As a chosen one nurtured by the Seven Luminaries Alliance, Verdant Rainbow naturally couldn't avoid clashing with Demon's Gate's chosen ones of the same generation.

During the Continental Championship, Verdant Rainbow was still confident she could put up a good fight against Elise. But now, her gut instinct told her she couldn't resist Elise, despite her having reached the sixth-floor standard. This made her wonder how much stronger Elise had gotten in the time they hadn't met.

"What an incredible combat standard! She's giving me a sense of danger!" Shi Feng exclaimed softly as he looked at Elise.

Lunar River rolled her eyes at Shi Feng's exclamation, her expression seemingly saying, "Thank you for stating the obvious."

Regarding Lunar River's exasperated response, Shi Feng had no idea how to retort.

Although Elise was equipped with an unknown Divine Set that matched the human race's Six Great Divine Sets, she was still a Tier 6 Lifeform. A big gap remained between her and a bona fide T

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