Chapter 1023 - Third Stage
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"Elise, we meet again."

As Garuda looked at Elise, he couldn't help but think back to the Continental Championship a few months ago and sighed inwardly.

Garuda recognized Elise's talent. After all, despite not even entering the top four in the first Continental Championship, she had led her party into the top four during the second one. The rate of her improvement was much more impressive than that of the average chosen one.

Nonetheless, Garuda didn't think his talent was worse than Elise's. He had even reached the sixth-floor standard before she did.

But now, their statuses were worlds apart...

Garuda was unconvinced by this result. Now that his Guild had issued a commission to probe Elise's standards, he could use this opportunity to prove that his talent wasn't any worse than hers.

"Make your move," Elise said indifferently.

"Okay! Let me see how much you've improved!" Garuda said, smiling. With his eyes burning with fighting spirit, he punched at Elise with all four of his fists.

Suddenly, the sky above the Twilight Fortress seemingly fell as a hundred phantom fists thousands of meters in size rained on Elise. The sight of these phantom fists sent shivers down the spines of the players in the fortress; some even despaired.

This was because the power of each phantom fist rivaled that of Pseudo-Tier 7 Profound Skills used by Divine Set users. Yet, Garuda had thrown a hundred of such punches. This was already comparable to the fierce attack of a Taboo Boss.

Just as the phantom fists were about to reach Elise, they merged, creating six phantom fists ten thousand meters in size. Naturally, the power each phantom fist carried became more devastating.

"Is Garuda insane? He's getting serious right off the bat?" Tyrant Claw was surprised to see the six gigantic phantom fists.

As someone who had frequently clashed with Garuda, Tyrant Claw knew this move well.

The Sixfold Hundred Splitting Fists!

Hundred Splitting Fists was an original Advanced Gold Holy Art developed by Garuda. The threefold version of the technique alre

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