Chapter 1020 - Imperial Power
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"Elise?" Shi Feng reacted skeptically to Lunar River's answer.

Shi Feng knew Elise well. She was Demon's Gate's strongest chosen one and among the earliest experts to make a name for herself in the Continental Championship. Afterward, her reputation even grew to match that of Daystar, the Arbiter of Death. At the rate she grew, she could even reach the same height as the Three Absolutes in his previous life.

Nonetheless, Shi Feng found it hard to believe Elise could be stronger than Soul Hunter.

Setting aside the difference in combat standards, Soul Hunter would leave Elise in the dust in equipment standards alone.

After all, the Blood Drinker Set not only provided more Basic Attributes than the Flame God Set but also didn't have as stringent of a use condition. Even though Soul Hunter had yet to unlock the Blood Drinker Set's full potential, it still provided him with more Basic Attributes than the average Divine Set.

If Elise wanted to surpass Soul Hunter in Basic Attributes, she'd have to obtain either the fully unlocked version of one of the four lower-ranked Great Divine Sets or the legendary First Great Divine Set—Aurora.

The Aurora Set!

Even in Shi Feng's previous life, little information was available on the Aurora Set. It was last seen over a millennium ago, and players' chances of finding it were almost nil.

As for the four lower-ranked Great Divine Sets, Zero Wing currently possessed the Flame God Set and still had functioning pieces of the Eternal Set, so neither of these two Great Divine Sets could be in Elise's possession. As for the two other Great Divine Sets, even Shi Feng didn't have any clues about them, as they had gone missing over a century ago. Hence, it should also be nigh-impossible for Elise or Demon's Gate to have obtained them.

At Shi Feng's skepticism, Lunar River chuckled and said, "Guild Leader Black Flame, although I don't know exactly how strong Elise was previously, I can tell you that she is currently the apple of Demon's Gate's and the Nebula Consortium's eye. Even Soul

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