Chapter 1019 - Tier 7 Combat Power
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 1019 - Tier 7 Combat Power

Twilight Battle Arena, top-floor arena:

"Black Flame won?"

"Am I hallucinating? Why does the ring look bisected?"

"A one-hit kill! Is this the strength of someone in the Divine Glory List's top ten?"

The players watching the duel gaped at the bandaged young man's corpse, shocked by Shi Feng's display of strength.

Everyone here had witnessed the strength of the bandaged young man from Demon's Gate. Even before clashing with Zero Wing's Fervent Samsara, he had several duels with sixth-floor experts and hadn't lost a single HP.

Yet, the bandaged young man had failed to block even one move from Shi Feng. They couldn't even begin to imagine how strong Shi Feng was.

While the rest of the arena was in an uproar, over at the Seven Luminaries Alliance's VIP seating area…

"That person couldn't even withstand a single blow?" Verdant Rainbow muttered, staring at Soul Hunter's corpse in disbelief. "Wasn't he supposed to be equipped with the Second Great Divine Set? Could it be a fake?"

No other player or power in the human race's Greater God's Domain better understood the Six Great Divine Sets than the Seven Luminaries Alliance. Hence, Verdant Rainbow knew that once a Tier 6 player equipped one of the Six Great Divine Sets, so long as they could fully access its potential, they could exhibit strength rivaling that of Primordial Gods of the same level.

Not to mention, Soul Hunter was a sixth-floor expert; the Second Great Divine Set should shine even more in his hands than in the hands of other Tier 6 players.

Although Verdant Rainbow could tell that Shi Feng's attack had undoubtedly reached the Tier 7 standard, it shouldn't have been enough to one-shot Soul Hunter. Under normal circumstances, she'd consider it a miracle if Shi Feng could even hold his ground against Soul Hunter using such an attack. After all, if Soul Hunter was equipped with the Second Great Divine Set and could access its full potential, his Strength Attribute should rival that of Primordial Gods of the same level. After including his advantage

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