Chapter 988 - Flame God Set
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Primordial Dragon Sanctuary, Flame Dragon God's Treasury:

When Shi Feng arrived at the treasury's plaza, he found it packed with members of the Primordial Dragon Sanctuary's pseudo-apex powers. These players were either normal members trading Undying Souls with each other or executives collecting Undying Souls from their respective guild members.

"All of you, stop holding on to your Undying Souls. If you turn in all your Undying Souls to the Guild now, you can still get a considerable amount of contribution points. You can even ask for Stardew if you prefer that option. But if you wait until the treasury is almost out of items, your Undying Souls will become worthless," a Level 240 old man from Red-Tailed Dragon advised as he swept his gaze across the Red-Tailed Dragon members who had come to turn in their daily quota of Undying Souls.

However, none of the Red-Tailed Dragon members bought into the old man's words. They turned in no more than the required number of Undying Souls, which had the old man shaking his head.

"How many more Undying Souls do we need to reach 50 million?" Tarnished Wind, a Giant player and the designated successor of Red-Tailed Dragon, asked the old man quietly.

"We're still a little over eight million short," the old man replied, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"That's about the same as Holy Dragon Spear," Tarnished Wind said, gritting his teeth. "Those cunning bastards! If they hadn't banded together to force us to buy everything they own, we would have collected enough Undying Souls long ago!"

Currently, the various pseudo-apex powers had their sights set on one thing and one thing only in the Flame Dragon God's Treasury—the Flame God Set!

Originally, the various pseudo-apex powers had already given up on redeeming the Flame God Set after the Flame Dragon God's Nest's Access Key fell into Shi Feng's hands.

However, following the Nebula Consortium's intervention, the various pseudo-apex powers again had designs on the Flame God Set. As Red-Tailed Dragon and Holy Dragon Spear happened to h

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