Chapter 987 - Astonishing Wealth
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"Are you sure you're not joking?"

"How can a measly 10,000 slots sell for over 40,000 God Crystals and seven million bottles of Life Potion? Which power is behind such a crazy stunt?"

"What? A bunch of independent players and adventurer teams bought them? Since when have independent players and adventurer teams been so wealthy?"

As news of the auction's outcome spread, the various powers that had expected the auction to become a joke found themselves questioning reality.

God Crystals were incredibly precious in the Greater God's Domain. Even pseudo-apex powers didn't necessarily have 40,000 God Crystals in their possession. Not to mention, who would pay upwards of 1,000 bottles of Life Potion just for one month of priority entry into a Guild City? With that many Life Potions, one could pay for one month of access to a special-tier mobile city.

When the various powers' executives learned of this crazy behavior, they felt that either they or the buyers had lost their minds.

While the various powers were floundering over the auction's outcome, they finally received information regarding the primordial civilization city, which triggered a mental breakdown.

The primordial civilization city was connected to an unknown human Realm where multiple apex powers existed. Players of this Realm could level up to Level 240 without relying on Taboo Secret Lands, making it a leveling paradise. Furthermore, many of this Realm's powers were trading Level 235-plus Taboo Epic Equipment and Level 240 Taboo Fragmented Legendary Equipment for Combat-ranked Secret Treasures and Extraordinary-ranked Secret Treasures, respectively, in the primordial civilization city at a one-to-one ratio.

With direct access to such an incredible Realm, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to consider the primordial civilization city a cradle for nurturing powerhouses. This discovery tempted the various powers, making them hesitate over whether they should develop in the primordial civilization city.

However, the Nebula Consortium's influence ultimately made the v

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