Chapter 986 - Crazed Auction
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"Explore? What nonsense are you spouting?" Endless Scars rolled her eyes at Drifting Bean. "Gather all available resources immediately! We must secure as many priority entry slots as possible before the other powers react!"

"But, Commander, the Eternal Chamber of Commerce will criticize you if we use that many resources to bid for Zero Wing's priority entry slots," Drifting Bean said worriedly. "You might even lose your Elder position if your competitors join hands."

Endless Scars's status as an Elder of the Eternal Chamber of Commerce was one of the main reasons the Blood Wing adventurer team could achieve its current success in the Angel Sanctuary. As the Nebula Consortium was one of the Eternal Chamber of Commerce's shareholders, overtly supporting Zero Wing was akin to going against the Eternal Chamber of Commerce.

If Blood Wing were to spend large amounts of resources to buy the primordial civilization city's priority entry slots, Endless Scars's competitors in the Eternal Chamber of Commerce would not hesitate to use this opportunity to strip her of her Elder qualifications. Should Endless Scars lose her status in the Eternal Chamber of Commerce, Blood Wing would have difficulty surviving in the Angel Sanctuary.

"So what?" At Drifting Bean's concern, Endless Scars retorted nonchalantly, "Might is right in God's Domain. Now that the primordial civilization city is connected to such an incredible Realm, the status quo in the Eternal Realm and the Greater God's Domain is bound to undergo tremendous changes. If we can establish a foothold in this city, Eternal will come to us for help, not the other way around!"

Anyone who wasn't a fool could tell the significance of the primordial civilization city. It would most certainly become the center of the Eternal Realm and the unknown Realm in the future. If Blood Wing could establish a foothold in the city, the adventurer team would have a lot of initiative in establishing partnerships with the powers of both Realms. She'd have to be an utter fool to miss such an oppor

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