Chapter 985 - Uproar
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"Are these powers not afraid of offending the Nebula Consortium?"

Endless Scars was greatly puzzled when she saw the multitude of Level 235-plus players in the street. She wondered if Shadowring Town's teleportation gate had brought her to the wrong place.

Although the Nebula Consortium did not publicly announce its persecution of Zero Wing, news had long since spread among the upper echelons of the Greater God's Domain. Practically every upper-ranking hegemonic power or above already knew about it.

Level 235 players were considered top-tier existences by every power in the Greater God's Domain. As for Level 240-plus experts, they were incredibly rare in the Greater God's Domain, with over 90% of them originating from pseudo-apex powers or above. Furthermore, any power that could afford to send their Level 240-plus experts into the Eternal Realm would be a first-class major power in the Greater God's Domain.

Regarding these first-class major powers, the Nebula Consortium should have informed them about the situation privately. For them to still send so many of their elite experts to Zero Wing's new city was tantamount to a slap to the face for the Nebula Consortium. There was no way the consortium would turn a blind eye to such provocation.

Besides Endless Scars, even Verdant Rainbow, who had come to the primordial civilization city to advise Shi Feng to rethink his tactics, was stunned by the city's populousness.

The primordial civilization city was a big city that had opened up recently, so it couldn't have too big of an NPC population. The fact that the city's streets were so crowded meant the city's player population had already exceeded ten million.

A city with ten million players might not be spectacular, but it was a different story when all ten million were Level 235-plus experts. Even in the Greater God's Domain, few cities could achieve this level of prosperity. Not to mention, the primordial civilization city was a city in the Eternal Realm.

If Verdant Rainbow hadn't known any better, she would have as

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