Chapter 964 - Stunning Strike
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"Guild Leader Black Flame?"

Worry flashed in Frey's eyes when she saw Solitary Mad God going after Shi Feng.

After exchanging several dozen moves with Solitary Mad God, Frey already had a good idea of the other party's strength. While he might not have reached the sixth-floor standard, he already had the strength to trade blows with a Level 230 Ancient God. The attack he had executed against Shi Feng, in particular, was something she would have to dodge lest she sustain heavy injuries.

Although Shi Feng had reached Level 232, his equipment remained the same as beforeā€”a Fragmented Legendary Equipment Set. Furthermore, it wasn't even a Taboo Fragmented Legendary Equipment Set. This meant that his equipment level was, at most, Level 220. His Basic Attributes weren't even comparable to that of a Level 230 expert fully equipped with Fragmented Divine Artifacts, let alone Solitary Mad God.

Even if Shi Feng ranked sixth on the Divine Glory List, with such a huge difference in Basic Attributes, it was unlikely he'd be able to repulse Solitary Mad God's attack.

However, despite her wishes to help Shi Feng, Frey was busy dealing with the several Ominous Cavalry experts attacking her. She didn't have the leeway to lend Shi Feng a helping hand.

Is this the strength of the Holy Seal Cavalier Class?

Shi Feng was a little surprised as he looked at the colossal fist descending toward him. Solitary Mad God's attack was no weaker than Snow Wolf's all-out attack.

In his previous life, Shi Feng had only heard of the Holy Seal Cavalier Class and knew it was a powerful Mythical Era Class. Nonetheless, he hadn't expected it to be this powerful. Despite being at Level 230 and equipped with just three Divine Artifacts, Solitary Mad God's Strength was close to matching that of Snow Wolf, a Level 235 player equipped with four Divine Artifacts.

Of course, Shi Feng did not let his surprise hinder his response. He unsheathed the Shadow Incinerator without hesitation and slashed at the colossal fist.

Incomplete Goddess-ranked Mana Technique, Thr

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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