Chapter 965 - Holy Ring City
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"Boss Mad God!"

"Crap! How is this possible?!"

The Ominous Cavalry's members couldn't believe their eyes when they saw Solitary Mad God had gotten slammed into the ground.

They were well aware of Solitary Mad God's strength. Although his combat standard had yet to reach the sixth-floor standard, he could already compete with Level 230 Ancient Saints in Strength and face a Level 230 Ancient Saint head-on. Even a Level 230 sixth-floor expert equipped with multiple Divine Artifacts wouldn't necessarily be able to do better than him.

Yet, Shi Feng's attack had overpowered Solitary Mad God. It had nearly even claimed his life…

Besides the Ominous Cavalry's members, even Frey looked at Shi Feng in shock. She strongly suspected that her Grandmaster-ranked Observation Skill was defective.

According to her Observation Skill, Shi Feng was only equipped with Fragmented Legendary Equipment. He didn't have a single piece of Taboo Fragmented Legendary Equipment on him. The only Divine Artifact he had equipped was a ring. Yet, he heavily injured Solitary Mad God. This was simply unbelievable.

While Frey was in a daze, Solitary Mad God straightened his upper body. At some point, he had fully unfurled the golden scroll in his hands. The scroll's activation transformed him and the other Ominous Cavalry members into streaks of light that vanished from the resurrection camp.

"Hmph! And here I thought he had the strength to back up his arrogance!" Blue Phoenix scoffed when she saw Solitary Mad God fleeing without even lifting his head.

"It's a pity we don't have any means to interrupt his teleportation. Otherwise, we would have been able to annihilate the Ominous Cavalry once today," Frey sighed, looking at the crater that Solitary Mad God was previously in.

"The teleportation tool he used should be a Divine Artifact. Without an incredibly powerful Godly Relic, it'd be impossible to interrupt it," Shi Feng said, shaking his head as he recalled the golden scroll in Solitary Mad God's hands.

In Shi Feng's previous life, neither the power

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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