Chapter 966 - Zero Wing Alone Is Enough
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 966 - Zero Wing Alone Is Enough

World Ark, Shadowring Town:

"Guild Leader, here are the latest reports on the Guild's income and expansion progress. I've also included reports on the recent state of the war," Blackie said, wearily placing a stack of papers onto Shi Feng's desk.

"This many?" As Shi Feng perused the documents Blackie had prepared, he was reminded of Blackie's managerial talent. Blackie's attention to detail was unquestionably superior to that of combat-oriented Vice Guild Leaders like Hidden Soul and Gentle Snow.

The data Blackie compiled not only listed the Guild's various revenue sources in detail but also provided recommendations for expanding them to allow the Guild to maximize the use of its Eternal Coins. He had also categorized the Guild's newly recruited members so that they could be put into roles that best utilized their talents.

For example, some experts were more adept at using combat techniques, while others were more adept at using Skills and Spells. Even if these experts had similar combat standards, their performances in battle would differ depending on their assigned roles and opponents.

Besides that, Zero Wing managed to attract many fifth-floor experts to join it thanks to the 10,000 Level 235 Taboo Fragmented Legendary Equipment that Shi Feng had obtained from Dragon's Crown. Currently, Zero Wing already had nearly 2,000 fifth-floor experts under its command.

Even before the Tower of the Abyss's appearance, only a few pseudo-apex powers could come up with a force of nearly 2,000 fifth-floor experts. The only problem was that most of Zero Wing's fifth-floor experts were under Level 230. As for those who were Level 230 or above, there were only 106 of them, and they primarily consisted of players from the Greater God's Domain who had entered the Eternal Realm by luck.

All 106 players were fully equipped with Level 235 Taboo Fragmented Legendary Equipment. Paired with the Behemoth Set (a Combat-ranked Secret Treasure Set) and the Intermediate Divine Strengthening Scrolls that Blackie had distributed to them, they c

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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