Chapter 963 - Eternal Chosen One Ranking List
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 963 - Eternal Chosen One Ranking List

TL Notes:
Made a change in Chapter 962:
However, thanks to the Frostflame Sacred Dragon, she arrived above the resurrection camp in less than three minutes.

However, thanks to the Frostflame Sacred Dragon, she arrived within 5,000 yards of the resurrection camp in less than three minutes.

When Frey appeared on the battlefield, everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to her in unison. Even the savage young man, the leader of the Ominous Cavalry, paused to look at her.

"Hooray! The Vice Guild Leader is here!"

"Let's see how Mad God can continue doing as he likes!"

"Vice Guild Leader Frey is 65th on the Eternal Chosen One Ranking List, while Solitary Mad God is only 82nd! He'll definitely lose to Vice Guild Leader Frey in a direct confrontation!"

Admiration and reverence colored the eyes of the Red Dragon Nation's members as they looked at Frey. It was as if she were the overlord of this region; nobody could resist her.

"I hadn't expected the famous Netherworld Queen to use a Tier 6 Teleportation Scroll to meet me in person. I'm truly honored," Solitary Mad God said, staring at Frey, who exuded an aura no weaker than that of Ancient Gods of the same level. "I was originally hoping to force the 51st-ranked Black Flame to face me, but since you showed up, I'll test my strength on you first!"

After saying so, Solitary Mad God merged with his Mountain Devourer, a Tier 6 Advanced Extraordinary Flying Mount, transformed into a 1,000-meter-tall, four-armed giant, and punched at Frey.

Despite throwing only one punch, Solitary Mad God's fist split into a hundred afterimages midway through, each carrying the power of a Level 230 Ancient God's attack. This attack was clearly a Peak Gold Holy Art, and the sight of it shocked the Level 235 elite experts who had clashed with Solitary Mad God before. Never had they imagined that Solitary Mad God hadn't been fighting them with his full strength just now.


When Frey saw Solitary Mad God attacking her, she waved her weapon Nethersoul and created two th

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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