Chapter 962 - Ominous Cavalry
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Shadowring Town, Zero Wing's Residence:

As the light around Shi Feng faded, he found himself back in the courtyard of Zero Wing's Residence in Shadowring Town.

I've only been gone for about a week. How did the Guild get so many more fifth-floor experts?

As Shi Feng scanned his surroundings, he found that the number of Guild members loitering in the courtyard was several times more than before he had left. He even spotted close to a hundred Level 225-plus fifth-floor experts. This was a number that would have been impossible a week ago.

Generally, when it came to Guilds that commanded fifth-floor experts, less than 5% of their fifth-floor experts would be present at their main headquarters at any time. Sometimes, that number might not even reach 1%.

Although Zero Wing was active in only Shadowring Town, Luminous Sky City, and the Crystal City of Secrets, no more than 10% of its fifth-floor experts should be in its Guild Residence in Shadowring Town at any given moment.

Yet, there were nearly 100 fifth-floor experts in the Residence's courtyard. If he included the fifth-floor experts inside the Guild Hall, the total would exceed 150. In other words, Zero Wing currently had over 1,500 fifth-floor experts under its command. Some pseudo-apex powers might not even have this many fifth-floor experts.

Amidst Shi Feng's bewilderment, a loud explosion suddenly came from a distant location, causing the Zero Wing members in the Residence to tense up. A moment later, the fifth-floor experts in the courtyard summoned their Flying Mounts and rushed to the source of the explosion.

Seeing this, Shi Feng promptly chased after a familiar figure.

"Guild Leader, you're back!" Blue Phoenix, who had advanced to Tier 6 and risen to Level 227, exclaimed joyfully when she saw Shi Feng catching up to her.

"Mhm." Shi Feng nodded. Then, he asked curiously, "What's the situation here?"

"The Holy Race's Ominous Cavalry is attacking us. The explosion just now was a rescue signal sent by one of our three Guilds' resurrection camps in the inner are

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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