Chapter 961 - Alchemy Door
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Why is there a second floor?

The appearance of a staircase beneath Firmament stunned Shi Feng.

As far as he could recall, the Sun Dynasty had never gained access to the tower's second floor. Even after developing the primordial civilization city into one of its crucial bases, the Sun Dynasty still only had access to the tower's uppermost floor. There had also never been any hints that players could access anything besides the uppermost floor. This led to everyone assuming that the sunken parts of the tower were only for decoration.

Before Shi Feng could figure out what was happening, a system notification rang in his ears.

System: Congratulations! You have defeated Adegas within two days. You have received the primordial civilization city's Level 2 Authority. You now have control over the first two floors of the Philosopher's Tower.

Level 2 Authority? Shi Feng grew ecstatic when he saw the system notification.

Players wouldn't get full access to a lost civilization city's many Legacies immediately after capturing it. Under normal circumstances, they would be granted Basic Authority, which provided access to only the city's basic functions and Legacies. To access more functions and Legacies, they'd have to develop the city to a certain degree and gain Level 1 Authority, Level 2 Authority, or higher.

In Shi Feng's previous life, despite the various powers' efforts to develop their lost civilization cities, only three powers had achieved Level 2 Authority in their cities. One of these powers was the Seven Luminaries Alliance, and it was precisely because of this Level 2 Authority that human players managed to retain some living space in the Eternal Realm. Otherwise, human players would never have had enough strength to survive in the Eternal Realm.

Now that Shi Feng had obtained this primordial civilization city's Level 2 Authority simply by defeating Adegas, how could he not be excited?

With Level 2 Authority, he could access more of the primordial civilization city's Legacies. He could also access the city's advance

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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