Chapter 960 - Tower's Second Floor
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 960 - Tower's Second Floor


When the two dragons clashed, the impact created an explosion that echoed across the entire Skeleton Hill map and reduced 99% of the buildings in the primordial civilization city to dust. It also damaged the spectating members of the Seven Luminaries Alliance and Ninth Street, causing them to lose over half their HPs and their minds to grow weary.

"Did he lose?"

When everyone regained their bearings and looked at the bottomless pit in the middle of the battlefield, they couldn't help feeling dejected.

As the dust settled, the silhouette of a person appeared hovering quietly above the bottomless pit. The figure in question was 20 meters tall, so apart from Adegas, it could not be anybody else. And since only Adegas remained on the battlefield, Shi Feng had evidently failed to survive the First-Generation Hero's final attackā€¦

"Sure enough, he still lost," Snow Wolf muttered, staring at Adegas's figure grimly.

Shi Feng's defeat did not surprise Snow Wolf. On the contrary, he had expected it. However, the strength Adegas displayed had exceeded his expectations.

Despite being at Level 235 and equipped with four Divine Artifacts and the rest of his equipment comprising Fragmented Divine Artifacts, Snow Wolf determined that he was still much inferior to Adegas in Strength. To make matters worse, the Pseudo-Tier 7 Skill Adegas had used in his final attack reached the Overlimit standard. Unless Adegas suddenly decided to lower the difficulty of his trial, Snow Wolf did not think he could survive Adegas's final attack, even if he were to counter it with a Pseudo-Tier 7 Overlimit Skill.

However, just as everyone was despairing over Adegas's trial, they received a system notification.

System: Congratulations! Your team has captured the archaic city. Rewarding one level and 30 Free Legacy Skill Points. You will be teleported out of the city in five seconds.

"We succeeded?"

"Didn't Guild Leader Black Flame die?"

The system notification surprised and confused everyone. Nobody could understand what had just happened. However

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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Other novels I translate on Hosted Novel:
Pantsu Hero Alice (PHA)
After Being Bent By Reader (ABBR)(Yuri/GL, Urban)
Miss Cousin is Always Busy (MCAB)(Yuri/GL, Quick Transmigration)
Give Me Another Smile (GMAS)(Yuri/GL, Reincarnation)