Chapter 959 - First Battle Against a First-Generation Hero
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 959 - First Battle Against a First-Generation Hero

TL Notes:
Changed "First Generation Hero" to "First-Generation Hero"

Sure enough!

Shi Feng grew ecstatic when he saw the system notification.

Simply put, the power of a Skill or Spell was determined by the amount of mana fueling it. When players could access only the mana within a certain distance, their only option to supply more mana to their Skills and Spells was to continuously compress the mana in their vicinity. It was similar to the principles behind the Threefold Mana Body Technique. By condensing the mana within a fixed volume, players could increase the quantity of mana they could access without increasing the volume of mana.

Fortunately, everything turned out as Shi Feng had guessed. Although compressing external mana was incredibly challenging, his experience with the Threefold Mana Body Technique had taught him how to compress mana effectively. Combined with his powerful Pseudo-Tier 7 Concentration, he managed to compress the external mana around him to the point where he could use it to execute Absolute Thunder at the Overlimit standard.

"What a terrifying strike!"

"He broke through all five layers in one attack! His Skill must have exceeded the 120% threshold! But hasn't it only been a little over a day?! Is Black Flame a monster?!"

"It will be the Boss challenge next. I wonder if Black Flame can succeed?"

The sight of Shi Feng's attack piercing the barrier shocked and excited the members of the Seven Luminaries Alliance and Ninth Street. They had never thought someone could practice a Pseudo-Tier 7 Skill to the Overlimit standard within three days. Hope rose within their hearts.

Everyone understood that a Level 230 First-Generation Hero was not an opponent their team of 1,000 could defeat. If they wanted to leave with their lives, they'd have to abide by Adegas's condition, practice the Pseudo-Tier 7 Skills and Spells he had granted them, and defeat him. Otherwise, they'd meet with death.

"As expected of the Continental Championship's second strongest expert."

Fighting spirit flared up in Rin's calm

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Novel Notes

TL Notes(12th-May-2023):
Uh, I finally have advanced chapters now. There will only be one tier, which is 5$ to read 10 chapters ahead for a month.
If you have money to spare, please give it to me. :)
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Other novels I translate on Hosted Novel:
Pantsu Hero Alice (PHA)
After Being Bent By Reader (ABBR)(Yuri/GL, Urban)
Miss Cousin is Always Busy (MCAB)(Yuri/GL, Quick Transmigration)
Give Me Another Smile (GMAS)(Yuri/GL, Reincarnation)