Chapter 926 - Ranking
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Everlasting City:

"Quick! Inform the higher-ups that Zero Wing is taking action!"

"The angle they're taking... Are they going to Plot 095?"

"What?! Plot 095?! Impossible! Is Zero Wing crazy?!"

When the players monitoring Zero Wing's movements saw that Zero Wing's forces were headed to Plot 095, they were surprised. They hadn't expected Zero Wing to make such a crazy move.

By now, the powers competing over each of Everlasting City's 144 plots of land were already fixed. Among them, the royal powers were involved in 17 plots of land, making these 17 plots essentially off-limits for other powers. As it so happened, Plot 095 was one of these 17 plots. By aiming for Plot 095, Zero Wing was effectively snatching food from a tiger's mouth.

"Rainbow, why is Black Flame going for Plot 095? You were the one who strongly recommended Zero Wing for a reserve slot in the Human Alliance. Is he not afraid Zero Wing will sustain heavy losses by going up against a royal power's team?" a black-robed old man wearing the Seven Luminaries Alliance's Guild Emblem asked Verdant Rainbow after reading his subordinate's latest report. "Our race is already at a disadvantage against the two alien races. We hardly have any powers that can compete with them. Now that Zero Wing has a chance to be cultivated by us, it would be a pity if it were to meet its demise here."

"He might be trying to collect more tokens," Verdant Rainbow said, her voice uncertain. Then, she recalled the situation in the last Continental Championship and added, "But you don't need to worry too much, Elder Martial. I'm sure Guild Leader Black Flame knows what he is doing. Who knows? He might even give you a surprise."

"A surprise?" The black-robed old man shook his head at Verdant Rainbow. "I only hope that it doesn't turn into horror. Now that the two alien races have found a path into the Eternal Realm, there isn't much time left for the human race."

"A war between races, is it?" Verdant Rainbow's expression grew solemn.

The current Eternal Realm had already become a junc

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