Chapter 925 - Plot 095
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Dark purple flames suddenly burst from the void, forming a gigantic sword 10,000 yards long that struck at Angel's Retribution's members.

When the sword of flames appeared, all players within a 10,000-yard radius of Phoenix Rain felt their souls tremble with fear. This scene even caught the attention of the various powers' experts all over Everlasting City.

"Is that...a large-scale Destruction Spell?"

"How can a large-scale Destruction Spell have such a huge range?"

Everyone participating in Everlasting City's competition had seen large-scale Destruction Spells before, but never had they seen one with a range of 10,000 yards. Moreover, even at first glance, it was obvious the power of the dark purple flames exceeded the Tier 6 Limit standard.


The sword of flames fell on Angel's Retribution's members before they could react, effortlessly burning through them and the land they stood on. When the flames dissipated, a bottomless rift appeared on the island that Everlasting City stood on.

"They're all gone?"

The spectating experts were dumbfounded when they failed to see any Angel's Retribution members in the aftermath.

"Commander! What rank of Spell is that?!" Drifting Bean goggled at the scene below in disbelief.

As the Blood Wing adventurer team operated in the Angel Sanctuary, it had plenty of intelligence on Angel's Retribution, the Angel Sanctuary's number one power. It also had information on Blacksteel, Angel's Retribution's main force commander. The stalwart man was single-handedly responsible for eliminating many of the Angel Sanctuary's powers, and even Endless Scars wouldn't dare to say she could defeat him with 100% certainty.

Yet, Blacksteel had just been one-shotted by a Spell...

"This Spell should have already exceeded the Tier 6 Limit standard," Endless Scars stated, gaping in shock behind her veil as she stared at the missing section of the island.

As the owner of the Origin Mage class, a Peak Hidden Class, Endless Scars knew that not even large-scale Destruction Spells that reached the Tier 6

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