Chapter 927 - Zero Wing and Evil Nature
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Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Stories Chapter 927 - Zero Wing and Evil Nature

"Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Did someone else just seize Plot 095's first place?"

"Zero Wing?! Didn't Zero Wing just enter Plot 095?!"

"Zero Wing already has 8,426 tokens?! What did it do in Plot 095?!"

Besides those participating in Everlasting City's competition, the various powers also had observers stationed outside the island. When these players noticed the sudden change in Plot 095's ranking list, they couldn't help but doubt their eyes.

As Plot 095 was considered one of Everlasting City's forbidden zones, most powers didn't bother to pay much attention to it. After all, everyone knew that the ultimate occupant of Plot 095 would be Evil Nature, one of the Holy Race's Ten Great Royal Powers. If there hadn't been so many players gathered in Plot 095, which afforded more opportunities to collect tokens, the powers involved in Plot 095 would have long since fled to greener pastures.

Yet, Evil Nature, originally placed first in Plot 095, was replaced by Zero Wing. This was a major event that could upset the entire competition.

"First place? How interesting!" The black-robed old man from the Seven Luminaries Alliance burst out laughing when he saw the change in Plot 095's ranking list. "Rainbow, you did a great job recommending Zero Wing! The old fellows from Demon's Gate promised they would seize the Sun Dynasty's Plot 113, yet they're still behind by over 1,000 tokens. In contrast, Evil Nature is no weaker than the Sun Dynasty, yet Zero Wing already leads it by over 4,000 tokens. Those old fellows will have a stroke if they learn about this!"

"Zero Wing has 8,426 tokens?" Verdant Rainbow was surprised when she inspected Plot 095's ranking list. She couldn't fathom how Zero Wing had obtained so many tokens so quickly.

After including the experts mobilized by the various apex and royal powers, the number of players participating in Everlasting City's competition was only about two million. If these players were evenly distributed among the city's 144 plots of land, each plot would only have a little more than

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