Chapter 928 - Royal vs. Royal
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"A mental combat technique!"

Phoenix Rain was shocked when she felt the mental storm the old man emanated.

Mental combat techniques were extremely rare in God's Domain. According to the various human powers' understanding, the Holy Race wasn't proficient in mental development but physical development. Yet, the old man could intimidate players with Concentration beneath the Tier 6 Peak standard with nothing but a glare. This was unheard-of.

"Unseeing Demon?" Shi Feng was also shocked by the one-eyed old man. "The Transcendent List's 12th-ranked Unseeing Demon?"

The Transcendent List was the Holy Race's version of the Divine Glory List. However, the Transcendent List had much more substance than the Divine Glory List.

Any expert on the Transcendent List could pose a significant threat to the major human powers. Those ranked in the Transcendent List's top 100 could rival the Divine Glory List's top 10, while those ranked in the Transcendent List's top 20 had all grown to become sixth-floor experts in Shi Feng's previous life.

Unseeing Demon was one of these experts. In Shi Feng's previous life, Unseeing Demon had fought all three of the human race's Three Absolutes in one-on-one duels. He won against one of them, drew with one of them, and lost to one of them. He was, without a doubt, a super powerhouse.

"Yes, that is me," the one-eyed old man answered. "Since you know me, I will give you a chance. Surrender all your tokens, and I will let you leave Plot 095 alive!"

After Unseeing Demon said so, the five players behind him revealed their auras, which rivaled that of Level 220 Ancient Gods. The implication was clear: they would immediately take action should Shi Feng refuse.


The appearance of Unseeing Demon's party naturally caught the attention of the powers observing Zero Wing's movement from a distance. Among them, the spectating human powers were dumbfounded by this development.

"Six experts that rival Ancient Gods of the same level! Is this the strength of a royal power?"

"They're no different from Humanoid Bo

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