Chapter 67: Mirror
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 67: Mirror

“This place…” Luo Yi carefully walked behind Zhen Jianren as they explored the prop centre. They jimmied the lock and got in. They perked up their ears to listen to the surroundings. The interior was larger than he thought. The place looked simple on the outside, but once they were inside and had taken a few turns, they were lost. The intersecting brick walls were more than four meters tall. They looked like they were ready to pierce the sky.

Zhen Jianren had to show Jiang Cheng some respect. The other party managed to infiltrate this place and retreat safely after they encountered a ghost. He had trouble just finding his bearing. The only thing that made him feel better was there was someone with him. The ghost would only kill one person based on his current observation. In other words, if they encountered the ghost, one of them could survive. Naturally, Zhen Jianren would be the survivor. The reason was simple. He was cleverer than Luo Yi. Plus, Luo Yi’s real name had already been exposed: Luo Zhanfei.

The ghost in this mission was very special. Zhen Jianren believed she would not ignore this detail. They looked through the rooms one by one. Most of them were used to store old tables and chairs as well as abandoned sports equipment. Based on the thick layer of dust, they had been there for a long time already.

At that moment…

There was a rustling sound from nearby. The gait was different from a normal gait. The person should be using a rather heavy cane. The bottom of the cane occasionally knocked against the ground, making a loud sound. At that moment, it sounded like calls from hell.

It was the old man.

Zhen Jianren’s heart tightened. Since he still didn’t know the old man’s identity, he decided avoidance was the better solution. He turned to find Luo Yi but realised he was alone.

Luo Yi… was gone.

There was no better solution, so Zhen Jianren rushed to find a random room to hide in. He tried a few doors, but they were all locked. Zhen Jianren started to panic as the footsteps neared. He was in a dead-e

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