Chapter 68: Partner
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 68: Partner

Irregular and rapid footsteps echoed in the empty corridor. The pair moved up the stairs as they scanned their surroundings.

“Are you sure this is the place?” Zhou Taifu’s pretentiousness was gone. His tone was gravelly and worldly. His gaze was as sharp as a knife. Beside him was naturally his partner, Xu Wen. They were also lovers.

Unlike normal romance, they didn’t meet in a bar or online. They met in a swamp deep inside Southeast Asia’s rainforest. Bullets were the background music to their tale. White maggots crawling out of skulls witnessed their love. They were both mercenaries. They worked for whoever gave them the most money. It could be the government, the guerillas, private employers, tribal leaders.

In the swampy hole that was dirty and damp, they made the promise that they’d return home and open a small supermarket market whenever they collected two billion dollars. They would have a nice, peaceful life.


As the money piled up, their name became more popular in the industry. Employers like people like them. They were silent and efficient. They would do any kind of job, from defending a country to kidnapping a defenceless old man. They would kill armed soldiers and small children. The money kept coming, and heads kept rolling. The corpses piled inside the swamp, and blood coloured the stones. A rain would come and wash away everything, including their sins.

Two billion, three billion, four billion. Eventually, they forgot their initial promise. They blossomed in the murders. The thrill of the hunt overpowered everything else. Human lives were theirs to take. Only then could they be perfectly at ease.

They leaned together underneath the giant tree. The smell of blood lingered in the air, mixing with the scent of gunpowder. Shrapnel and broken body parts were scattered around them. Blood dripped down the leaves like rain. The world was silent and red.
It was at that moment that they understood.

They didn’t want money. They wanted this satisfaction that could only be garnered from claiming anot

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