Chapter 66: Explanation
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 66: Explanation

“Is it because the mission is coming to an end?” Zhou Taifu frowned.

“That should be the case.” Xu Wen glanced at the education block before them, and a trace of anxiety appeared on her face. “We murdered someone right before their eyes, but no one responded.”

Two hours ago, in Room 404.

“Doctor,” Fatty was shocked as he saw Jiang Cheng pull a camera out from under the bed, “When did you put this there? I didn’t even know.”

Jiang Cheng held the camera and clicked on the screen. “Are you blaming me? I’ll tell you one week in advance next time.”
Fatty, “...”

However, Fatty was already immune to Jiang Cheng’s jabs after hanging out with him for so long. He soon wiggled over. “Doctor, when will we depart?”

“We’ll wait a bit more.”

“But time will not wait for us.” Fatty glanced out the window anxiously. The sky was light. The other groups had already left. “The time limit is tomorrow midnight. If we fail to find the clues by then…”

At that moment, Jiang Cheng’s body shook uncontrollably, interrupting Fatty. Fatty stared at Jiang Cheng, and he realised how pale Jiang Cheng was. “Doctor, are you alright?”

Jiang Cheng silently put down the camera and slowly returned to normal. “Fatty,” Jiang Cheng began slowly, “I know why there wasn’t any death yesterday.”

The change in the subject was so sudden that Fatty needed time to catch up. He asked in a whisper, “Why?”

Jiang Cheng passed the camera over. Due to the angle, the video focused on the people’s legs and feet. Fatty frowned, not knowing what Jiang Cheng meant. Until…

He saw a pair of sports shoes among the seven pairs of legs. The person was walking on tip-toe. The gait was extremely light.

“This is…” Fatty gripped the camera as he stared at the screen. He gasped, “Luo Yi?!” He suddenly realised something, “The person who died yesterday was Luo Yi! The current Luo Yi… is a ghost!” Fatty whipped his head towards Jiang Cheng. The latter was looking through the videos, deleting them as he went.

“You… you knew this yesterday, right?” Fatty said agitatedly, “T

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