Chapter 61: Disappearance
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 61: Disappearance

Luo Yi felt discomfitted being stared at by everyone. In the end, it was Jiang Cheng who stepped forward to move them towards the rehearsal. They would talk about the rest later.

They pushed open the door, and the group was confused by the scene they had seen. In the giant music classroom, there were a lot of people. A lot of students skipped class to be there. There were youthful faces everywhere. However, there was an anxious undercurrent.

Groups of girls were gossiping. The student councils were tired, trying to maintain order. It was not until the teacher who handled the lighting shouted that the situation calmed down slightly.

There were two cameras. Jiang Cheng held a camera that could capture the ghosts. Xu Wen carried the other.

Jiang Cheng looked at everyone. “Does anyone want to volunteer for this job?” The tripod beside them had been set up. No one reached for the camera, and no one spoke. Everyone knew that Long Tao died not long after he used that camera to record the previous rehearsal. Zhang Yinyin sneaked a glance at Jiang Cheng silently. She was caught by Jiang Cheng. He straightened his neck and looked at her. He asked in a loud voice, “Miss Zhang, do you wish to volunteer?”

“No, no…” Zhang Yinyin quickly shook her hands. “I’m fine.”

With the previous experience, the progress was much smoother. The choirs of the first three classes soon ended.

The last group choir… began.

Xu Wen pulled down the camera bag and took out the other camera. Then, she opened the other tripod and placed it beside the first camera. She adjusted the angle so that all three classes would show up in the lens.

The three classes moved around, standing criss-crossed on the stage. In their similar uniforms, height and hair style, they all looked like the same person. Their voices were soft and strong, depending on the conductor. When the last turn in music passed, the song reached the climax…

The atmosphere of the group was in direct contrast of the venue.

Zhou Taifu’s face was white as he stared at the screen. He

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