Chapter 62: Rules
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 62: Rules

“You should ask them and not,” Luo Yi pouted.

“What did Department Head Li talk to you about?”

Luo Yi frowned. “Who is that?”

“The lady who asked for you to be arrested.” Zhou Taifu explained, “Her surname is Li, and she is the department head.”

Luo Yi looked more confused. “There’s no such person. Only the three female guards came to catch me. You saw them earlier.”

Fatty sucked in a cold breath. This didn’t feel right. However, no one could do anything since Luo Yi insisted on them. Clearly, no one believed him. They were sure he had hidden something from them. In the end, they parted ways unhappily.

On the way back to the room, Zhen Jianren leaned on the door to listen. After ensuring no one was eavesdropping, he walked to Luo Yi’s bed and sat down. He lifted his chin and ordered, “You can speak now.”


“I have been telling the truth.” Luo Yi shrugged helplessly. “There is really nothing there. I was about to leave when the female guards came and caught me. They shut the door and then jumped on me without saying anything. Then… you guys came.”

Jiang Cheng dumped the munched bones into the bag and turned to tell Fatty, “Fatty, help me open the bottle of iced tea. My hands are too oily.”

Fatty twisted the lid and passed the bottle over. Jiang Cheng gurgled down the drink and sighed with satisfaction. “Fatty,” Jiang Cheng continued his battle with food as he asked, “Aren’t you going to eat?”

Fatty shook his head, his face colouring with worry. Soon, he lifted his head to ask, “Doctor, do you think Luo Yi was telling the truth?”

Jiang Cheng put down the food, thought for a while and nodded, “He should be.”


“He doesn’t need to lie.” Jiang Cheng said, “Since they thought they had been targeted by the ghost, their most imminent mission is to leave this place. Under such a circumstance, they wouldn’t do anything that would harm the team's benefit. They would wish the other teams could find the clues and end the mission.

“You can see it like this.” Jiang Cheng turned to where Room 405 was and

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