Chapter 63: Shadow
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 63: Shadow

The night deepened. However, one could still see the endless stains on the ceiling. Other than the stains, there was nothing else. Fatty pulled his gaze back and looked at Jiang Cheng with confusion. His lips moved before he said carefully, “Doctor, I don’t understand…”

“It’s midnight.” Jiang Cheng held the camera, but his gaze was on the door. Fatty was confused.

“No one died… yesterday,” Jiang Cheng announced.

Fatty’s body trembled. He stared at Jiang Cheng and had to ask, “Doctor, isn’t it a good thing that no one dies?”

“Good.” Jiang Cheng’s face was devoid of expression, “But it’s not normal.”

“Is it only normal for people to die every day?” Fatty raised his pitch.

“Yes.” Jiang Cheng nodded in confirmation, “At least one per day.” They had spent three days on this mission. The woman in the qipao died on the first night, and Long Tao died on the second day afternoon. This was the fourth night, but there was no third victim. Despite the twists and turns, everyone had returned to the hostel safely.

“Doctor,” Fatty uttered softly, “Perhaps the ghost took a break.”

Jiang Cheng ignored him.

Then, Fatty consoled him, “Doctor, you’ve already done your best. Don’t give yourself too much pressure.” Jiang Cheng looked at the camera in his hands again and again. Zhen Jianren had taken down the video of the entire music classroom. All the students and staff were there. However, the ghost was nowhere to be seen. It was as if… the ghost had disappeared.


The light in the room suddenly came on. Jiang Cheng’s gaze sharpened as he turned to the door. The light switch was beside the door. Fatty, who stood beside the switch, was startled by Jiang Cheng’s sharp gaze.

“Doctor,” He quickly explained, “I also felt like something was wrong, so I figured it was better for us to switch the lights on.”

Jiang Cheng thought about it and agreed. With Fatty’s company, at least he wouldn’t be bored. However, as he lowered his head to check the video again, his body froze. The light above his head shone and emitted a yellow

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