Chapter 64: Lock
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 64: Lock

“Midnight?” Zhou Taifu gasped. Zhen Jianren was right. Their time was almost up. The third rehearsal was their last chance.

“We currently have three leads.” Xu Wen explained, “First, it is that department head Lee. We haven’t seen her before, but she has been observing our every move. I believe she knew everything that happened back then.

“Second is the music classroom in Block C. It is the first and only place we’ve captured the ghost on film. That place must be very special to the ghost.

“Third is the prop centre,” Xu Wen turned to Jiang Cheng, “Mr. Hao said he encountered a drawing ghost there…”

“That’s right.” Jiang Cheng nodded sincerely as he pointed at Zhen Jianren. “He was the subject! Actually, the ghost was quite a good painter.”

Zhen Jianren glared at him. “Can you stop pointing at people?”

Xu Wen’s patience was drying when dealing with these two. She continued her analysis, “The clues should be among these three. We’ll split up since we don’t have much time left.”

Xu Wen’s suggestion was reasonable. Jiang Cheng and Fatty would find department head Lee to find out more information. Xu Wen’s group would sneak into the music classroom when it was not in use. Zhen Jianren and Luo Yi would search the prop centre. The mission was reaching its end. No one cared which place was more dangerous. If they couldn’t end the mission before the upcoming midnight, everyone would die.

After that, Xu Wen’s group left.

When Zhen Jianren reached the door, he paused. Then, he suddenly turned to Room 404 like he just realised something. Confusion slowly coloured his eyes. He frowned… like something was missing.

“Brother Guardian Angel!” Jiang Cheng called after him kindly, “When you find your self-portrait, remember to pay attention to the lower right corner!”

Zhen Jianren’s thought was interrupted. His face dropped, “What do you mean?” Luo Yi also turned to look at Jiang Cheng strangely.

Jiang Cheng took a deep breath and sat up straight. He became very serious. Zhen Jianren couldn’t help but be worried. Jiang Ch

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