Chapter 242 - The Crimson Moon Demon Isn't Actually Strong
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 242 - The Crimson Moon Demon Isn't Actually Strong

The Crimson Moon Demon continued with its assault, its Unlimited Spikes skill living up to its name by delivering an endless barrage of strikes.

However, when Lin Moyu summoned all his undead legions, the number of targets multiplied exponentially. Consequently, the Crimson Moon Demon's attack power plummeted to less than one-tenth of its original strength, posing no significant threat to Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu surveyed the scene and noticed that the Crimson Moon Demon had retreated far away, hiding in a corner of the barrier. A plume of green gas billowed out from that corner, as if screaming for attention: I'm here, I'm here!

"Does it really think running can help?"

The barrier was like a prison, trapping not only him, but also the Crimson Moon Demon.

Skeletal Warriors, carrying Abyssal Demon corpses, happily followed Lin Moyu in pursuit.

The Crimson Moon Demon, unaware of its impending doom, huddled in the corner, silently enduring the poison's damage. The damage wasn't great, but it was persistent, causing considerable discomfort.

Furthermore, the Soul Blaze Lin Moyu unleashed earlier inflicted unbearable pain that reached the core, making it shiver uncontrollably.

Amid clicking footsteps, an Abyssal Demon corpse was flung at the Crimson Moon Demon.


A deafening explosion rose, and tsunami-like damage surged.

The Crimson Moon Demon let out a silent wail, and the ground shook.

The Corpse Explosion unleashed massive damage, causing nearby spikes to burst and splatter blue mucus everywhere, dyeing the earth blue.

Standing amidst the mucus, Lin Moyu's Bone Armor gleamed, blocking all damage.

The Crimson Moon Demon attempted to run again, moving underground, but not very fast. Another corpse was thrown its way.


The ground shook once more, and the Crimson Moon Demon unleashed another silent scream.

One after another, corpses were thrown into the air and detonated.

After bearing 20 Corpse Explosions, the Crimson Moon Demon let out one last scream and died.

[Killed level 55 Crimson Moon Demon, EXP +2,750,000, mi

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