Chapter 243 - Everyone Wants To Kill Lin Moyu; There's An Issue With The Primordial Rune
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 243 - Everyone Wants To Kill Lin Moyu; There's An Issue With The Primordial Rune

In the Dragonkind World, in a massive palace complex, a mighty aura rose abruptly and dispersed the clouds in the sky, as if tearing a massive hole in the sky.

A roar came from the palace complex, "Who is it?! Who is targeting our Dragonkind?! Why have so many of our kind been lost recently?! Investigate what's happening on the Immemorial Battlefield!"

When the roar fell, another voice responded, "As you command, great King!"

Many Dragonkind class users flew out from the palace complex, heading in a certain direction.

The Dragonkind World regained its tranquility once again, though the mighty aura remained and lingered on.

Shortly after, the Dragonkind class users who went to investigate returned.

Moments later, another order came from the palace complex, "Transmit my command. All Dragonkind class users in the upper layer of the Immemorial Battlefield are to join forces, find Lin Moyu, and kill him! At the same time, speed up the search for the spatial channel. Our kind can't die in vain! I want the humans to pay the price in blood!"

The Dragonkind World was instantly shrouded in murderous intent, causing even the space itself to tremble.

The Dragonkind King's orders quickly reached the Immemorial Battlefield. The Dragonkind class users at the upper layer's core area received the orders...


Meanwhile, Succubus Alice reestablished contact with the Succubus Queen, her eyes containing lingering panic, "Lady Demon Queen, we failed!"

Alice dared not lift her head, her voice very soft, looking pitiful.

The Succubus Queen's projection appeared before Alice, "This is not your fault. Unexpectedly, even the Crimson Moon Demon couldn't kill him. I know you can't enter the core area. Go to the deepest part of the central area and relay my orders to those guys. They are to eliminate Lin Moyu. Killing Lin Moyu is more important than obtaining the Primordial Runes. Here's how you do it..."

The Succubus Queen's voice was still sweet and seductive, filled with temptation, but it also carried immense murderous intent.

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