Chapter 244 - Memories Of The Past; Chinese Character
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 244 - Memories Of The Past; Chinese Character

The rune was shockingly the 兵 character. It wasn't a character from this world, but from his previous world. It was a Chinese character.

He was familiar with Chinese characters, to the extent that he didn't react at first.

How could the Primordial Rune display a Chinese character, and what did this signify? Could there be other connections to China in the Primordial Space?

Lin Moyu lowered his head and narrowed his eyes, feeling as though he had stumbled upon an incredible secret. It was truly incredible.

At this moment, he felt a strong desire to explore the Primordial Space. He wished he could go there immediately and take a look. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to go there now.

Lin Moyu had two options: either defeat the boss in the most central area of the upper layer and proceed through the channel or wait until reaching level 70 and then enter the lower layer of the Immemorial Battlefield from the outside.

"What are you thinking about? Don't tell me you're studying the Primordial Rune?" Mo Yun suddenly asked.

Lin Moyu lowered his head lowered as if he were closely examining the Primordial Rune.

Mo Yun uttered with a smile, "Don't waste your time. The Primordial Rune is far too complex to grasp in just a few attempts. You'll need to be at least level 70 before you can even begin studying it."

Lin Moyu masked his surprise, then looked up and said, "Oh, I was just taking a look."

He couldn't possibly reveal that he recognized the Primordial Rune, not even to Bai Yiyuan.

"It seems this mystery can only be solved in the Primordial Space." Lin Moyu mused.

Examining the 兵 character alone wouldn't yield any answers. The answers could only be found in the Primordial Space. For now, he should focus on leveling up, as strength was the key to qualification.

The two proceeded toward the core area.

The level and number of the monsters increased significantly. Solo class users were practically nonexistent here, with human class users moving in parties.

For safety, multiple parties stayed close together and heeded distress

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