Chapter 245 - Fresh Corpses At The Ready
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 245 - Fresh Corpses At The Ready

Lin Moyu and Mo Yun's gold military badges were strikingly dazzling. Though they were only one rank above Jiang Hanshan's nine-star lieutenant, but that single rank made all the difference.

In the military, what mattered wasn't level nor class, but military rank, It determined one's status.

Lin Moyu returned Jiang Hanshan's military salute, "Are you military?"

Jiang Hanshan replied loudly, "Yes, I was a military personnel once, but I retired due to personal matters."

Lin Moyu nodded, "Mhm, you can go on your way. There's no need to worry about us."

"Got it!" Jiang Hanshan responded promptly.

Although Lin Moyu seemed to be only level 30, but the fact that he arrived here safely suggested he possessed great strength. Moreover, as a colonel, must possess the requisite power to match his rank.

Jiang Hanshan surmised that Lin Moyu must have used some method to conceal his true level, suggesting that his actual level was likely much higher than it appeared.

As Jiang Hanshan turned to leave, Mo Yun, who also held the colonel rank, suddenly called out to him. Not daring to show any disrespect, Jiang Hanshan stopped.

Mo Yun asked, "Have you seen the Divine Selection Secret Realm recently?"

Jiang Hanshan pointed in a certain direction, saying, "It's 500 kilometers that way, and I saw it four days ago."

Lin Moyu's eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, Jiang Hanshan had actually encountered it.

For people like them who had roamed the Immemorial Battlefield for years, they had basically all encountered the Divine Selection Secret Realm at some point and entered it.

Each person had only one chance in their lifetime to enter the Divine Selection Secret Realm, regardless of the outcome. Once that chance was used, the realm held no further value for them, so they paid it little attention.

Typically, the Divine Selection Secret Realm lasted around ten days before changing locations. Since Jiang Hanshan and company had discovered it four days ago, its current status was uncertain.

"Thank you!" Mo Yun said, expressing her gratitude to Jiang Hans

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