Chapter 241 - Found It At Last; Annihilation Of The Abyssal Demons
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 241 - Found It At Last; Annihilation Of The Abyssal Demons

The Abyssal Demons hovering in the air were dumbfounded.

Lin Moyu actually sat down, looking like he was in deep thought. But, every once in a while, he would cast a skill to reinforce his defense.

Lin Moyu completely ignored the attacks from the Crimson Moon Demon. He even took out some food and began eating slowly.

An Abyssal Demon was bewildered, "What is he doing?"

Another Demon exclaimed in surprise, "How come he doesn't seem scared at all? And how come not a single skeleton has died after all this time?"

"The attributes of these skeletons look so low; I feel like I could smash a bunch of them with a slap."

Succubus Alice sneered, "If you are tired of living, be my guest."

At this time, she was frowning. The situation unfolded differently from her expectations.

"I should have asked Lady Demon Queen to send a more powerful Crimson Moon Demon."

She felt that the level 55 Crimson Moon Demon was too weak, that they should have sent a level 60 or even a level 65 Crimson Moon Demon.

What she didn't know was that sending a level 55 Crimson Moon Demon to the Immemorial Battlefield was already the limit of the Succubus Queen's power; she couldn't send a higher-level Demon.

After a moment's thought, Alice smiled coldly and said, "Alright, let's play for time. I want to see how long you can last."

The Crimson Moon Demon was specifically chosen to counter Lin Moyu. From the earlier performance, it was evident that Lin Moyu had no effective ways of dealing with it.

Since the Crimson Moon Demon had integrated with the barrier, Lin Moyu was like a trapped beast. The attacks of the Crimson Moon Demon wouldn't stop until he was dead. In the end, the one who would die would inevitably be Lin Moyu.

Thinking of this, Alice's mood improved significantly.


As she expected, Lin Moyu found himself in a predicament. He had tried all sorts of methods, including casting Bone Fangs on the ground and using Soul Blaze on the spikes, but all to no avail.

The Crimson Moon Demon's attacks continued unabated. Even when the spikes were broke

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