Chapter 485.3: Miss Chen, Come and Fly Kites With Me - Part 3
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 485.3: Miss Chen, Come and Fly Kites With Me - Part 3

Chen Chao shook his head and asked, "Isn't there a way to have the best of both worlds?"

Princess Anping smiled and said, "If there were, he would definitely have come."

"Silly boy, you seem even less mature than the girl you like. I'm really worried that one day you'll mess things up because of these matters."

Princess Anping looked at Chen Chao with affection and said softly, "When will you ever grow up?"

Chen Chao forced an ugly smile, "Everyone says I'm mature beyond my years. Haven't I grown up yet?"

"Others don't know you as well as I do, your big sister," Princess Anping reached out and ruffled Chen Chao's hair. "If you have something on your mind, don't keep it bottled up. If you don't want to tell your big sister now, make sure to tell that girl later. One of the happiest things in life is having someone to listen to you when you want to talk."

Chen Chao's eyes moistened, and he said softly, "Sis."

"Why are you crying? I look down on men who shed tears."

Princess Anping smacked Chen Chao on the head. "Get out of here, I'm tired of seeing you snivel."

Chen Chao stood still, not moving.

"What, do you want your big sister to carry you? Your big sister can't carry you anymore."

Princess Anping waved her hand somewhat wearily.

Chen Chao said softly, "Actually, later on, I encountered some things and remembered everything from my childhood. That day, you pinched my cheek."

Princess Anping was initially surprised but then smiled sweetly, "You cried your eyes out in my arms, and you even tore my sleeve. I didn't ask you to pay for it."

Chen Chao smiled bitterly.

Princess Anping shook her head, "We've all grown up. Parting is inevitable, don't dwell on it."

Chen Chao remained silent. Just as he was about to turn away, Princess Anping suddenly reached out and, just like that day, pinched this younger brother's cheek.

"It's not fun anymore, not as nice as pinching when you were little."

Princess Anping retracted her hand with a smile and then sighed, "It was better when you were a chubby little kid.

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