Chapter 78: This Fight Will Never End
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 78: This Fight Will Never End (Teaser)


The long sword cut through, slicing Liu Ji's body diagonally in two.

Liu Ji didn't care though. His upper body, still airborne, threw a punch at the black-armored commander's face.

Unfortunately, this amateurish punch was easily dodged, and the commander countered with another swift stroke, further slicing Liu Ji into four.

The next moment, the dismembered pieces of Liu Jiu suddenly vanished and, with a flicker, reappeared behind the black-armored commander, fully intact and launching another punch.

Yet, as if already anticipating this move, the black-armored commander effortlessly dodged again and countered with a click that sent Liu Ji flying.

As he flew through the air, Liu Jiu's body flickered, and he reappeared once more between the black-armored commander and Yaine.

Scrutinizing the black-armored commander, Liu Ji felt annoyed. This was clearly a high-level enemy, vastly different from the previous simple-minded brutes. Liu Ji was outclassed in terms of combat skills and reaction speed. After several rounds of exchanging