Chapter 77: Eighteen Pieces Will Do
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 77: Eighteen Pieces Will Do (Teaser)


The mighty axe cut through the air, splitting yet another giant in two.

Girunini landed on the floor, breathing heavily. Despite the aura of blood around her being more plentiful now, the prolonged battle had taken its toll, and she was severely exhausted.

Fortunately, most of the giants had been slain by her and Osar, and the remaining grunts could be cleaned up at leisure.

Gritting her teeth, she swung her axe, clearing a path through scattered grunts, and sprang toward the last giant.

But this time, something unprecedented happened—the giant turned and fled!

Girunini faltered, momentarily surprised before bursting into a manic laugh. "HAHAHA! So you know fear after all! Run, then! Let's see how far you can run!"

Without a second thought, she chased after the retreating giant.

Osar shouted in alarm, "Girunini! Don't! It might be a trap!"

However, he knew it was futile; in her frenzied state, Girunini wouldn't listen. Her berserker rage heightened her combat prowess at the cost of her ability to think rationally.

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