Chapter 76: Split
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A white light flashed, and before Mervant could even react, he was summoned back to Calidora's side, his blade still mid-swing.

"Cal… Cali?" he stammered, staring at her in shock. "Why did you pull me back? I was just about to—"

His words were cut short by the rush of wind beside him. Guoguo stood with her bow drawn taut, eyes blazing with fervent intensity as she recited an incantation.

Energy swirled around the arrow, akin to a miniature hurricane sigil engraved onto the slender shaft, its tip aimed directly at the ground below.

Mervant was taken aback on hearing her chanting. He vaguely recalled Girunini saying that Guoguo didn't know incantation and each enchantment on her arrows was purely from rote memorization.

Yet this war song-like chant was so intricate and lengthy it was hard to believe anyone could memorize it just by mimicking the syllables.

Mervant's gaze slowly shifted downward. In the midst of the army below, the 49 arrows that had previously missed their mark had transformed into centers of swirling wind, forming a co