Chapter 75: You Think She's in the Basement, but She's Actually on the Fifth Floor
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 75: You Think She's in the Basement, but She's Actually on the Fifth Floor (Teaser)

A seemingly endless stream of Earthwalker grunts poured out of the dark, narrow passageway.

Osar's fur was disheveled, and his fists stained red with blood. Girunini was in an even more extreme state. She was completely drenched in blood, and it was near impossible to find a spot that wasn't red.

Of course, none of that blood was hers.

A narrow corridor like this was the perfect battleground for melee warriors like Osar and Girunini. Regardless of how many grunts there were, such a strategic bottleneck meant that the two only had to face a few at a time.

Given the strength of these Earthwalker soldiers, Osar and Girunini had no trouble dealing with them.

As the bodies piled up, the already narrow corridor became even more cramped, slowing the soldiers' advance. It probably wouldn't take long before the corpses completely block off the passageway.

This surprisingly easy battle made Osar relax slightly. He even started thinking about how to shake off these enemies and continue searching for their missing companions.

Girunini, on the oth