Chapter 79: Can't Run, Can't Fight
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 79: Can't Run, Can't Fight (Teaser)

Meanwhile, on another skybridge, the spear-wielding knight in gray armor was being mercilessly beaten by the giant beast in front of him.

There were no tactical nuances or skillful maneuvers involved. It was just a straightforward, one-sided beatdown.

His spear couldn't pierce the beast's hide, his speed was no match for its wings, and his techniques were utterly overwhelmed by the beast's reflexes. As for his escape routes… he had none.

His only choices were to defeat the beast or die trying.

And thus, he died.

The beast bit him seventeen times in total. First his left hand, then his right, followed by his forearms, upper arms, shoulders, left leg, right leg…

Eventually, the knight's head was torn off with the seventeenth bite.

The huge beast was obedient; it had dismembered the knight into exactly eighteen pieces as commanded.

With its task complete, the huge beast picked up the spear and gracefully flew back to its master, presenting the foe's weapon with a submissive nuzzle.

"Good boy." Nox took the spear, petting the beast's head