Chapter 486: Autumn Rain has Arrived
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 486: Autumn Rain has Arrived

In the imperial city, after a long time, the sound of bells rang out once again.

At that moment, Chen Chao and Xie Nandu had not yet left the palace. Upon hearing the bell, both of them halted their footsteps, turning to look back at the palace they had just visited.

Chen Chao recalled the end of the Myriad Willow Convention years ago. When the bells tolled then, he lost his aunt. Now, hearing them again, he knew his big sister was also gone.

Chen Chao stood on the spot and remained silent.

Xie Nandu looked at the young man before him who was unable to hide his sorrow and loneliness. After a moment of thought, she took the initiative to reach out and take the young man's hand, comforting him, "No one can escape this day. In the future, we may also part like this."

Chen Chao was taken aback, smiling bitterly. "If you're not good at comforting people, don't force it."

Xie Nandu smiled faintly. It was true that she was not very good at comforting others, but perhaps only this young man before her could get a chance to hear her clumsy attempts at comfort.

Other people would not even get a chance.

After Xie Nandu pulled him along for a distance, Chen Chao said softly, "For over a decade, I was all alone, without family or friends. I haven't had much affection for this world, and there haven't been many people I could trust. Especially towards that uncle of mine, I was afraid. But then I came to the Divine Capital, met many people, encountered many things, and realized that things might not be as bad as I thought. Perhaps my uncle didn't really want to harm me, and my big sister truly regarded me as her brother. But if the result of meeting is only separation in the end, should we have met at all?"

Chen Chao rarely referred to the emperor as his uncle. Perhaps only in front of Xie Nandu would he seem more casual.

Xie Nandu glanced at Chen Chao, saying calmly, "Giving up on a beautiful process just because you're afraid of a bad outcome is a very foolish thing to do."

Chen Chao smiled bitterly, "At first, I eve

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