Chapter 487: Autumn Rain Doesn't Kill, but Something Will
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 487: Autumn Rain Doesn't Kill, but Something Will

Just as many court officials were gathering at the palace gate, hoping to enter the palace to see the emperor, news suddenly spread from within the imperial city. Upon hearing the news, the court officials were momentarily stunned, followed by a profound silence. Without needing any further prompting, this group of officials turned away, leaving the palace gate, and no longer insisted on holding court sessions.

The Princess of Great Liang had passed away.

The court officials were not hotheads, nor had they become foolish from studying too much. Their protests at the palace gate were not entirely out of a sense of righteousness; a significant portion of them were driven by their reputations. Previously, they were unaware of the reasons behind the lack of court sessions, but now that they knew, it made sense that the emperor had not held court these past few days. If they continued to press the issue, not only would public opinion be against them, but they would also lose support from many of their peers in court.

Thus, remaining silent was the best course of action.

Not far away, the Grand Historian and the Premier watched the court officials slowly leave in silence.

The Premier turned to the Grand Historian and softly said, "History's pen is like a knife, will you be gentler this time?"

The Grand Historian remained expressionless, though the look in his eyes was complicated. Even if it was him, he was also somewhat moved at this moment.

The Great Liang Emperor was first the ruler of the realm, then the husband of his wife, and the father of his daughter. As a subject, it is natural to hold the Great Liang Emperor to the standards expected of a sovereign. But after setting aside the identity of a subject? He was merely a middle-aged man who had lost his wife and daughter one after another.

The Grand Historian thought for a long time and eventually shook his head.

The Premier sighed, "Your temperament might bring you trouble one day."

The Grand Historian replied calmly, "Since I chose to be a historian, I m

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