Chapter 17
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After escaping the rain, Song Yingshi stopped before the fruit stand outside the snack store to catch her breath. Then, after having a friendly chat with the shopkeeper, she picked out a bag of mandarins before leaving.

Song Yingshi needed two more hours with Huai Xu to complete her mission, so she brought Huai Xu to the dormitory's first-floor lobby. After washing her hands, she sat on the lobby's steps and peeled a plump mandarin without a care in the world.

Meanwhile, Huai Xu stood nearby, watching Song Yingshi peel the mandarin and smelling the slightly sour but refreshing scent drifting from Song Yingshi's fingertips.

Song Yingshi peeled the mandarin carefully as if unfolding a flower, her actions highlighting the beauty of her slender hands and their well-defined joints. When seen beside the mandarin's amber-colored peel, her pale skin appeared paler than usual.

Upon peeling the mandarin, Song Yingshi didn’t remove the pith that covered the fruit's juicy flesh. Instead, she removed the fruit entirely, buried her nose into the separated peel, and inhaled deeply.

When Huai Xu saw Song Yingshi taking several sniffs with a smile, she asked, "Do you like that smell?"

At this question, Song Yingshi looked up and handed Huai Xu the peel, saying, "Here, try it yourself."

Huai Xu took the peel and sniffed it.

"Mandarin peel smells best on rainy days," Song Yingshi remarked.

Huai Xu returned the peel to Song Yingshi, failing to share Song Yingshi's sentiment. To her, the mandarin peel smelled no different than usual.

Song Yingshi didn’t sniff the peel again. After placing it into the plastic bag holding the other mandarins, she held up the disposable box holding the mandarin slices to Huai Xu and said, "Have a mandarin."

The box was something Song Yingshi had requested from the shopkeeper. When Huai Xu saw how naturally Song Yingshi had interacted with the shopkeeper, she couldn't help but admire Song Yingshi's sociability.

However, Huai Xu didn't have much appetite after exercising, so she shook her head and said, "I'

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Novel Notes

Other novels I translate on Hosted Novel:
Miss Cousin is Always Busy (MCAB)(Yuri/GL, Quick Transmigration)
Give Me Another Smile (GMAS)(Yuri/GL, Reincarnation)