Chapter 485.2: Miss Chen, Come and Fly Kites With Me - Part 2
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 485.2: Miss Chen, Come and Fly Kites With Me - Part 2

The Great Liang Emperor's eyes were deep and contemplative. There were things he could say to his empress back then, but after her death, there was no one else he could talk to. In recent years, he often dreamed of his younger days, when he never imagined he would become emperor. He just wanted to spend his life with that woman.

“Dad, the Youngest probably doesn't want to be emperor. Can you protect him when the time comes?”[1.]

“When the time comes, Dad will already be dead. How can I protect him? Besides, sometimes, it's not up to us whether we want something or not.”

“I introduced him to Chen Chao that stinking brat. Do you think Chen Chao can protect the Youngest?”

“That kid's temperament has changed a bit since his trip to Sword Qi Mountain. As long as Ol'Third doesn't harm him, it's possible.”

“Dad, can you protect that Chen Chao that stinking brat? Our family owes his family a lot.”

“Hasn't Dad protected him enough? Do you think just anyone can make Dad issue a decree to Sword Qi Mountain?”

“Dad, I actually know that you're protecting him not because you feel guilty towards their family, but because you think he is similar to you, right? The eldest, second, and youngest are not like you, Dad, only that stinking brat is.”

"Aren't you a clever one."

“Of course, when I was little, to get Dad to spend time with me, I used to hide your things.”

“Then you did a disservice to Li Heng. He got punished quite a bit back then.”

“Then can Dad apologize to Uncle Li on my behalf?”

“Nonsense, where in the world does an emperor apologize to a subject?”

“But Uncle Li isn't just any subject, I've always viewed him as an uncle since I was a child.”

“You can tell him that yourself.”

“Hehe, Dad, how long has it been since I called you ‘Dad’?”

“I can’t remember, but whether you call me that or not, Dad will always be your Dad.”



“Yuan’er, Dad might be a good emperor, but I'm definitely not a qualified father. If you blame me, I won't hold it against you. But there's something I need to be honest about. If

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Translator Notes

[1. Another example of why I stick to awkward sounding terms like Imperial Father, it's because the tone switch to Dad or something more casual becomes very noticeable.]